Terms and Conditions of Cgcoool.com

1. *Introduction*
Cgcoool is an e-commerce platform specialized in the sale of three-dimensional models. The Cgcoool website offers users the opportunity to access various services and information through hyperlinks to resources located on Cgcoool’s or external servers.

2. *Definition of the End User*
Any individual using the Cgcoool site is considered an “End User”.

3. *Cgcoool Database*
The Cgcoool database is organized as a catalog of three-dimensional models of products created by Cgcoool and other 3D artists.

4. *Technical Requirements of the User*
The End User is responsible for ensuring the technical equipment, Internet access, and connection necessary for the use of the Cgcoool site. Cgcoool is not responsible for access problems to services due to external causes beyond its control.

5. *Changes to Services*
Cgcoool reserves the right to modify the services to improve them, extend their range, or adapt them to legislative changes. This may include changes to technical features, delivery methods, and current regulations.

6. *Communication of Changes*
In case of unforeseen changes in service performance or regulations, Cgcoool will inform End Users through announcements on the Cgcoool site.

7. *Access to the Cgcoool Database*
End Users have limited access to the Cgcoool database and information about the designers and manufacturers of Cgcoool products. To use three-dimensional models of interior design products and compositions, payment of a defined fee, and acceptance of the corresponding license agreement are required.

8. *Compliance with Conditions*
End Users commit to respecting the terms and conditions related to the system of using the services and any other conduct determined by Cgcoool to protect or improve the quality and reliability of the services.

9. *Intellectual Property Rights*
All intellectual property rights related to the contents of the Cgcoool site, including texts, images, graphics, photos, layouts, data compilations, databases, and other materials, are protected by Italian law and are the exclusive property of Cgcoool or third parties granting Cgcoool the right of use.

10. *User Access Rights*
The right of access of the End User does not include the right to copy, reproduce, or use the contents of Cgcoool or any part of them for purposes other than those permitted.

11. *Prohibition of Transfer and Copying of Contents*
It is forbidden for End Users to transfer or copy the contents of the Cgcoool site or any element of it to third parties.

12. *Royalty-Free License and Use Restrictions*
The 3D models purchased from Cgcoool cannot be modified, sold, or transferred, even partially, in their original form. The license granted to the Customer is limited exclusively to the included Product. Any form of use, republication, sale, or distribution of a Product that is not an included Product is prohibited. The distribution or permitted use of the Product as an included Product extends, but is not limited to, specific applications such as still or moving images, use in video games with proprietary formats, and publication within books or posters. End Users must take appropriate measures to prevent direct end-user access to the Product. Notwithstanding the above, Cgcoool grants the Customer a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license for promotional and commercial uses of the included Product. The resale or redistribution by the Customer of any Product obtained from the Site is expressly prohibited, unless it is an included Product as licensed.

13. *Definition of included Product*
The Product when it gets used for still or moving images, part of films, part of video games, published within a book, posteror other items. The Included Product cannot be extracted from an application or other product and used as stand-aloneobject without the use of reverse engineering tools or techniques.

14. *Restrictions on Uploaded Materials*
End Users must not upload to the Cgcoool server, transmit, or make available to third parties, materials that violate Italian legislation, applicable foreign law, these regulations, Internet ethics, principles of morality and good faith, or that contain threats, unauthorized advertising purposes, pornographic content, or violate human rights and fundamental freedoms.

15. *Cgcoool’s Right to Suspend Access*
In case of violation of the aforementioned restrictions, Cgcoool has the right to immediately suspend the access of the End User and third parties to the contents, information, or materials involved, and to inform the competent authorities.

16. *Commitments of the End User*
End Users commit to respecting Italian legislation, applicable foreign laws, these regulations, Internet ethics, principles of morality and good faith. They must avoid offending others’ reputation, promoting fascist or anti-democratic ideologies, violating the rights of third parties, including intellectual property rights, and must inform Cgcoool in case of discovered or committed violations.

17. *Prohibition of Uploading Harmful Materials*
It is forbidden for End Users to upload to the Cgcoool server or use in any way computer programs, files, or other materials that contain viruses, unauthorized remote access systems, computer codes, or materials intended to disrupt, prevent, or limit the normal functioning of hardware, software, or telecommunication devices.

18. *Prohibition of Unauthorized Access*
Each End User is obliged not to attempt to gain unauthorized access to the services provided, user profiles, computer systems, or networks connected to the provided services.

19. *Limits of Cgcoool’s Control*
Cgcoool is not obliged nor objectively capable of controlling how End Users use the Cgcoool site or identifying illegal activities related to such use.

20. *Right to Remove Content*
Cgcoool has the right, but not the obligation, to remove, cancel, or block, at its discretion, parts or elements of the content of the Cgcoool site.

21. *Right to Preserve and Disclose Content*
Cgcoool has the right, but not the duty, to preserve any content located on its server and to submit it to third parties and competent authorities, if necessary to protect the rights, legitimate interests, and safety of Cgcoool or third parties, or in other cases where the content is required by state authorities.

22. *Accuracy of Content*
Cgcoool commits to ensuring that the contents available on Cgcoool are correct, but does not guarantee the authenticity and completeness of such contents, unless otherwise specified on the Cgcoool site.

23. *Limitations of Warranty*
Cgcoool does not guarantee that the services provided are uninterrupted, accurate, reliable, secure, and error-free, as this is beyond its capabilities, control, and will. Cgcoool is not responsible for the non-provision of services in case of circumstances beyond its control.

24. *Uninterrupted Use of Services*
Cgcoool does not guarantee uninterrupted use of the services provided.

25. *Risks Associated with the Use of the Site*
The use of the Cgcoool site is at the risk and peril of the End User and is under their exclusive responsibility.

26. *Limitation of Liability*
Cgcoool is not responsible for damages caused to the User during the use of the Cgcoool site, unless such damages are caused intentionally or due to gross negligence on the part of Cgcoool.

27. *Exclusion of Liability for Damage to Software and Hardware*
Cgcoool is not responsible for damages to software, hardware, or telecommunication devices, or for the loss of data resulting from the use of content searched, uploaded, or used in any way through the services provided.

28. *Governing law*
These Terms are governed by the law of the place where the Owner is based, without regard to conflict of laws principles. The exclusive competence to decide on any controversy resulting from or connected to these Terms lies with the courts of the place where the Owner is based.
All notices, requests and other communications under this agreementmust be in writing (e-mail messages shall be deemed writings).

29. *Amicable dispute resolution*
Users may bring any disputes to the Owner who will try to resolve them amicably.
While Users’ right to take legal action shall always remain unaffected, in the event of any controversy regarding the use of this Website or the Service, Users are kindly asked to contact the Owner at info@cgcoool.com
The User may submit the complaint including a brief description and if applicable, the details of the related order, purchase, or account, to the Owner’s email address specified in this document.
The Owner will process the complaint without undue delay and within 3 days of receiving it.